Botox injections

BOTOX ® is an exceptionally pure preparation of botulinum toxin type A, which is injected in the muscles of the face to soften the appearance of wrinkles.



It is most commonly used for wrinkles on the forehead, crow’s feet (wrinkles around the eye) and on the eyebrows. Furthermore, it is used for controlling blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm.

In general, the initial effect is observed within 3 days while the maximum effect is observed 7 days after treatment. Visible results have been proven to last 3-4 months. A regular maintenance treatment prevents the recurrence of wrinkles. The activity of the muscles which causes the formation of wrinkles and lines is temporarily reduced and, therefore, you can still make facial expressions, but without the formation of wrinkles.

During BOTOX® treatment, patient’s discomfort is minimal and brief.

Prior to the injection a numbing cream is used on the area. The entire procedure lasts approximately 10 minutes. Side effects are unusual. There might be a mild redness of the skin due to the injection, which usually lasts only one or two hours. Minimum bruising may also occur. In rare occasions, a temporary blepharoptosis or double vision may occur if BOTOX ® is unexpectedly spread to the nearby muscles. However, if the physician is experienced complications are extremely rare and all precautions are taken to minimize risk.